Noell Talks “Higher,” Upbringing & Future of R&B

August 26, 2020 0

Noell is an emerging new R&B singer/songwriter quickly becoming a new face of the genre with her undeniable sultry sound and catchy music. In 2019, Noell arrived on the mainstream landscape with her attractive debut project, titled, Ego Aside. And with her new single “Higher” taking off like a rocket, it’s easy to identify that Noell is here to stay. Today, we sit down with the Maryland songstress to discuss her upbringing, breaking into music, creating hits, hitting the road with Tokyo Jetz and what’s next for her newfound fanbase.

Check out the complete interview below and get familiar.

You’ve got an interesting and soulful sound, who were your musical influences?

Lauryn Hill, Whitney Houston and Alicia Keys were two of my influencers growing up.

Where are you from?

I’m from a town called Havre de Grace. About 25 minutes from Baltimore City. We grew up really poor. I had a really rough time but I think the struggle of that unfortunate upbringing made me mentally strong. And able to live on my own.

When did you start making music?

I started recording and making music when I was in high school.

Is R&B who defines Noell or do you see yourself moving through to other genres and sounds as well?

I think I’m most defined, comfortable and in love with R&B but I definitely see myself branching out into other genres. I listen to everything.

Do you write everything?

Hmmm.. Sometimes I write, sometimes I go in the booth and freestyle then go back & change some words etc. he just depends on my mood.

In 2019 you dropped a solid project called, “Ego Aside”. Talk to us about the creative influences and vision for the project, what’s your favorite record off the project?

I think my favorite record from Ego Aside is Love Without Ownership. It’s one of the singles on there. I’d have to say it’s my favorite because I wrote it one night at like 4 am and I just thought to myself why can’t we just live without the strings & it not be so frowned upon? It’s talking about having a casual consensual relationship with someone without getting the feelings involved because the past has taught most women that feelings confuse and complicate things. The creative influencers were definitely drake at the time. A lot of records is just me literally saying what I think & just putting it over great production in a clever way. It was everything women go through straight up. Putting the actual “ego aside” being vulnerable and honest.

Talk to us about your new single “Higher.” What was the influence behind the record? How did it come about?

“Higher” gives you that old school R&B feeling but still modern enough to bump today. It’s more of a sexy song. It’s referring to sex. Elevating your partner on a sexual level but it has live instruments & great vocal range that you could mistake it also for a love song. Which either or is fine with me. Whatever the consumer prefers.

Watch Noell’s new video, “Higher” below.

Some of your records seem a bit personal. Talk to us about “Love Without Ownership” and “Speechless”, how did these records come about?

Like I said before Love Without Ownership is one of my favorite records because I think it’s very raw. It’s all personal experiences and I wrote it after a long relationship ended and the next person I was involved with wanted to get serious but I just didn’t have the capacity for the things that come with love so I just wanted to have fun with someone without getting emotionally involved. Speechless was definitely a record I wrote DURING my breakup.

What was it like going on tour with Tokyo Jetz?

Tour was really fun! We barely slept, there were a few cities where we literally had 10 minutes to get ready & we spent a lot of time on the tour bus but all in all the experience was really amazing.

Any album or project on the way?

There is a project coming out soon that we’re working on now but before that a few singles.

For the first time listeners, what is a go-to record that everyone needs to hear from you?

“Love Without Ownership”

What message are you looking to portray to fans through your music?

I want women to know it’s okay to be honest. To be themselves and to be unapologetic about it. Want them to know it’s okay to feel sad, or angry or jealous. It’s okay to feel happy or in love or even make mistakes. I just want women to know they aren’t alone.

What would you tell the 14-year-old Noell if you could go back with the knowledge you have now?

Don’t worry so much. Things always fall into place. Enjoy the moment and don’t stress over boys in the future! They come and go [Laughs].

Where do you see yourself in five years?

At some really cool music event talking about the last five years of my life and how I came to that success.

For more on Noell, follow the rising star on Instagram and Twitter.

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