Getting to know more about futuristic singer/songwriter T0HNY 

November 4, 2022 0

9CE52A6E-7D8F-4BAE-B186-D7AA197015C7-500x500 Getting to know more about futuristic singer/songwriter T0HNY 

T0hny is a revolutionary style American artist from Chicago Illinois. He has only one goal – to inspire young people and bring them together. He wants to create a world in his own art where the same judgments and biases against people don’t happen. A future where art brings out the best in people and the true love of people. 

Right now, T0hny is working on a number of projects including various singles to show his fans more of what they should expect from him. 

Today we sat down with the artist to learn a little bit more about him. 

Q: Who are you? 

I’m better known by “t0hny” to the public. 

A young creative immersing his audience into a personalized world of his choosing with each curated release.

Q: How did you get started? 

I started writing poems when I was around 14 years old. I mainly started this to get dark thoughts out of my head, and because I felt like my feelings truly mattered in an alternate universe when writing. I wanted to find an outlet that made me feel the same, and music is poetry itself. 

Q: When did you start music? 

I officially started producing in June of 2022. I devoted myself every day to evolving within this field. The road has felt long from my perspective; but we are JUST getting started. 

Q: Where are you from? 

Chicago. (Even though I don’t feel like I’m of this earth)

Q: What type of music do you make? 

If categories on music were accurate, I would be labeled as “alternative” as my sound is consistent of a raw mash up of all parts of music that I love to put into one track in an organized fashion.

Q: What inspired you to get into this kind of style of music? 

The aspiration to create a body of work that was unique to myself. I wanted to create something different that was idiosyncratic every time you hear it. To create a domain that I have absolute control over. 

Q: What plans do you have for the future of your music?

Right now, I am heading down the perfect path. I am continuing to push myself with new sounds, and want to continue that. I am using my artwork to create a bigger world that I can adapt for my audience to fully LIVE in.

Q: When is your next coming release? 

I have more singles releasing in the coming weeks ahead. I have no plans on rushing my next projects or taking away the shine of my 1st EP. Timing is everything, but my audience won’t have to wait an eternity.

Q: Give us a bit more insight into your upcoming releases 

My upcoming single is titled “PRESSURE!”

Now, all my music must follow a subplot from an emotionally charged viewpoint so that my audience can feel how these situations actually feel. “PRESSURE!” portrays the story and challenges of anxiety distorting your perspective on reality, which can lead you to inadvertently spiral out of control. 

The entire song goes on a loop to mimic this random mental state, along with a number of vocals and sounds to implement this. 

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