November 15, 2022 0


Q: Please introduce yourself to the audience.
A: My stage name is LadiesLoveV. Growing up my parents always felt like their son was going to become a doctor or a lawyer. Breaking that barrier has helped shape whom I am today. An aspiring artist who faces challenges and diversity with open arms.

Q: How Has COVID 1 9 Affected you ?
A: COVID 19 showed me that life can be unexpected at any turn, not for one but for everyone. We were all affected and still are today. During the pandemic, I was given the beautiful responsibility of becoming a father to a beautiful son. The drive to be successful and to provide was more existent than ever.

Q: What is your background?
A: My parents are born and raised in India. I was also born there and immigrated to Toronto at the age of 2-3. Therefore, my background is Canadian Indian. I don’t have an Indian passport so i doubt India will consider me Indian LOL.

Q: What did you want to be when you were a kid?
A: I always wanted to be an entertainer; either dancing, rapping and acting. My big bro Puma introduced hockey to me at a young age as well. I remember practicing everyday so I can be better. To be honest with myself, I always wanted to play tendy for the Toronto Maple Leafs. Who knows, maybe I can be a celebrity goalie one day. That would be dope. Last but not least, weird as it sounds – after grade 9, I kinda had a passion for forensic pathology. I remember watching CSI and Sue Thomas FB EYE. I thought maybe going into that occupation way later in life until I realized it takes a long 12 years. That one flew right out the window.

Q: Tell us about the exact moment you found your calling.
A: My first performance in high-school. I had to be around 16 years old. I performed in-front of 200 students, if not more with a 15 minute set. That night when I returned home, I continued to practice. I just had this feeling during my performance at school and at home. That exact moment, I knew this is what I want to do when I grow up.

Q: Who are your influences?
A: My parents. They have showed me time and time again what true resilience and determination can do for you. Pitt’s up there as well. I know my brother since university days and oh man that man has showed me what consistency really is about. Huge influence.

Q: What would be a good theme song for your life?
A: My life, The Game & Lil Wayne

Q: What do you like doing in your spare time?
A: Spending time with lil boy. Writing – writing songs to essays. Reading , I do a lot of reading, its a good stress reliever. Playing overwatch and UFC. Watching hockey and UFC.

Q: What is your biggest/weirdest fear?
A: God

Q:What would be your super power?
A: Making money

Q:What are your long-term career goals?
A: Pursue further education. Break a few music records. Grow and scale a trillion dollar business.

Q: What was the process of you obtaining your level of success like for you and what steps did you take that were necessary for the growth and maturity of your brand ?
A: The process is always long and enduring. Mentally, I had to convince myself everyday that I can do this and to not give up. Is it stressful? yes! I had to find ways to cope with stress and still finding those ways today. Remember. it’s a process.

Q: Do You believe that celebrities and influencers have A: an obligation to give back ?
A: Yes I do believe they have an obligation to give back. Just like everyday people have an obligation to society, norms they believe in, or principles. Those things still exist in celebrities. Why not give back to the people who gave you all that clout?

Q:What does financial freedom mean to you ?
A: Providing generational wealth for family and friends for years and years. God willing.

Q: what would you change about the industry today?
A: Less monopolized. Given more chance to the youth. Just like how big sports in the States, Canada and Europe provide facilities and training for the youth interested. Music needs that too.

Q: What things in your life would you give up in an instant if it got you to a even better place then where you are now ?
A: All of my bad habits. My ego. After that being said, I honestly believe we need trial and tribulations in order to be successful.

Q: Do you have any advice for up-and-coming entertainers ?
A: Believe in yourself. Keep God with you. Respect yourself and others. Work hard. Never let a bad day get the best of you. Strive to be successful. Make the right connections. Keep on believing, anything is possible. Trust the process.

Q: What Social topics are important to you and why ?
A: Gender Identity. I have a son, if his mom was forcing him to wear female cloths or accessories, then we are having a long discussion. Hunger and poverty. Born in India, i’ve seen a lot of it. I would love to change that in the world and provide for families and children.

Q:What’s the most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this week?
A: Individuals are stepping away from the music industry because of the deaths and losses of famous artists. I believe labels should provide more security and insurance for artists.

Q:What would you like remembered about you?
A: The content of my art. How I have contributed to society. Whom I have helped. Tbh, I have yet to reach my max potential. I will answer this question again in our next interview.

Q: What is one message you would give to your fans?
A: Life will throw obstacles at you. Don’t let those obstacles be your downfall. Rise over them and watch yourself succeed.

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