November 3, 2022 0


• What first got you into music?
📌What first got me into music was an app I discovered as a kid called AutoRap, by Smule. I was about 12 years old at the time (now 22) when I started making songs on there for fun. Before then, I would always write short stories in my free time. I’ve been writing creatively since I can remember really.

• Who inspired you to make music?
📌The one who inspired me to create music was my best friend Neftali. Around 15 years old, we started recording songs on GarageBand with a snowball microphone. We were pretty cheeks, but hey, gotta start somewhere right?

• How would you describe the music that you typically create?
📌I would describe the music I make as melodic, edgy, and full of energy.

• What is your creative process like?
📌My creative process for my music starts with an idea – the heart of the process. The plan is typically inspired by a beat. I begin writing my thoughts down before my ADHD mind forgets them. A hook becomes established, followed by the formation of verses. Once things are in order, I sleep on it, I return fresh, and assess what has been written. I strive to make the vision as structured and clear as possible before dropping into my home recording booth. I iron out all the kinks, and make sure it aligns with how I foresee the final product. I execute the vision I foresaw for the project, and add additional details along the way. When I am absolutely certain I’ve given it everything I have to give, I send it to my mixing engineer along with all the raw vocals. That is where it becomes a professionally polished item through skills I have yet to possess.

• Who would you most like to collaborate with?
📌I would most like to collaborate with Eminem. It’s a long shot, but the problem in life isn’t aiming too high and missing, it’s aiming too low and hitting. So I shoot for the moon. If I miss, I’ll still land somewhere in the stars.

• If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?
📌If I could open a show for any artist, it’d be Eminem. Our sounds are similar, and it’s safe to say, if you’re an Eminem fan, you may be more inclined to be a Manzzy fan.

• What is one message you would give to your fans?
📌One message I would like to give to my fans is, the most important step is the one in front of you. Step aggressively, and keep in mind, you cannot connect the dots looking forward. You can only connect them looking back.

• What is the most useless talent you have?
📌My most useless talent would have to be my ability to pull off a pretty convincing Russian accent.

• Do you sing in the shower? What songs?
📌Who doesn’t sing in the shower? I’d be pretty concerned if someone didn’t. I take cold showers every day, however, I still manage to have fun through the discomfort. A few songs I like to sing are “Add It Up” by Shawn Mendes, “Someone You Loved” by Lewis Capaldi, and “Dirty Diana” Remix by The Weeknd. I enjoy singing mostly pop songs in the shower. I practice my own lyrics a too. I’ve come up with some of my best ideas in there.

• What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career?
📌I don’t have much of a music career yet, but my life would most certainly lack any sort of electricity without the outlet.

• Where have you performed? What are your favourite and least favorite venues? Do you have any upcoming shows?
📌I have yet to perform but, I’m ready!

• How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?
📌It’s both complicated things and simplified them. Getting resources and connections has become much easier. The problem now is standing out. Talent seems to get easily buried underneath the rubbish of politics – per usual – but it seems even more common today.

• What is your favorite song to perform?
📌”My Chick Bad” by Ludacris

• Which famous musicians do you admire?
📌Eminem, A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie, NF, Logic, Tory Lanez, ASAP Rocky, Hopsin

• What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into?
📌I got in a fight at school. I ended up with a missing front tooth. The guy had his car keys in his hand. I looked like Alexander Ovechkin for some time after, and the experience brought some edge to my character. Not everybody has your best interest, even one’s you thought did.

• What is the best advice you’ve been given?
📌Mind your business.

• If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?
📌I’d like to see rock make a come back in some way. My producer and I are experimenting with rap+rock type vibes 👀

• What’s next for you?
📌Establishing a visual presence and building a community around my music.

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