Rajah Marie “Five Days” — a look into the creative video idea

November 17, 2022 0

Rajah-Marie-500x283 Rajah Marie “Five Days” -- a look into the creative video idea

The visuals for Rajah Marie’s latest single, “Five Days” have left viewers wondering if the events shown are based on true events. Rajah Marie has informed us that while she did not experience the loss of a boyfriend, the lyrics of the song can be interpreted in many ways, and this is just one. “I am a reactionary writer, so every song is created in truth”, she says, “I wanted to highlight that Life is too short to fight with the ones you love, and you never know what can happen” (Rajah Marie). This is an important message, and it just goes to show how relatable her music can be to anyone. The video idea came from director Sole London, who is a big part of Rajah Marie’s creative visuals. It is always great to see the effort put into production as it adds an entire layer to the already dope track. We look forward to seeing what is to come from Rajah Marie as she dives deeper into her music with time.

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