TikTok Comedian Goes Viral 3 Million Views

November 2, 2022 0

C82BE3DB-4605-42F5-AB8E-71FEA231F424-381x500 TikTok Comedian Goes Viral 3 Million Views

1. What’s your background

I’m born and raised from the south side of Nashville, TN which molded me. I’m a young entrepreneur with many businesses: skin care line called S.K.I.N.INC, Co-host of the 8 More Than 92 podcast, handmade jewelry business Purely Najee, self taught photographer an videographer, and now dabbling in the fashion world with Childhood best friend Djay. Humor was always just apart of my life. I have always thought of ways to make people laugh from childhood till now, so this is what started me making skits

2. What does your work aim to say?

It aims to hard work, dedication, and a expression of myself.

3. How does your work comment on current social or political issues?

I honestly try to stay away from big issues unless I can bring humor out of it.

4. Who are your biggest influences?

For me it’s my family an friends. They push me a cheer me on to never stop.

5. How have you developed your career?

I development my career just of consistency. I push out content an get better day by day.

6. How do you seek out opportunities?

I look for like minded people or other influencer I think it would be amazing to work with an keep networking.

7. How do you cultivate a collector fan base?

My Fanbase comes directly from my content. Which is amazing because people follow you because of the content you are putting out which makes these real supporters.

8. How do you get motivated to create ?

I just see things that I think is funny and in my head I go I can make that funnier. My friends also send things they want to see me do.

9. How do you price your work?

That is depending on what needs to be done.

10. Which current Fashiontrends are you following?

I make all kinds of clothing so I kind of go with my own tread, or depending on what kind of content I’m making.

Comedian and rising on TikTok Rising on tiktok was a job. I started putting out a few videos an like my third video went viral an I really think that’s what pushed me. I also had other close friends like Poshqu33n on IG and Kbeautty. I seen how they blow up an it keep me hungry.





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