Urban Classical 1.5 is the Second Quiet Installment of the Urban Classical Series

November 7, 2022 0

F1180C2D-88D1-4F5F-8E5B-C8A1FFDC6330-500x334 Urban Classical 1.5 is the Second Quiet Installment of the Urban Classical Series

Urban Classical 1.5 is an intermediate follow-piece/EP to Urban Classical. It leans more into classical sounds and has tracks that heavily rely on traditional and abstract piano and violin Melodies and techniques. This project quietly solidifies Rashad D. Hawkins’ commitment to dedicating more time to pursuing his musical talents and career in the coming years. Rashad has signed a partnership with Symphonic to give him more access and tools to pursue his goals and remain independent and in control of his own career and art. Urban Classical 1.5 is the second quiet installment of the urban classical series. The Urban classical series is expected to grow and expand its reach and listeners as time goes on, thanks to the different partnerships and relationships that Hawkins has gained since the first Urban Classical project.

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