David Revuelta is Taking Spotify by Storm

August 21, 2021 0

unnamed-44-333x500 David Revuelta is Taking Spotify by Storm


This young Spanish musician is the one to watch on the music-sharing site this coming season.


If you haven’t heard the name David Revuelta yet, this article is of interest. This young musician is Madrid-based, 20-years-old, and is taking the music industry by complete surprise. 

While most of us spent the last two years in shock from the pandemic, David spent them working hard to achieve his dreams. Now, armed with social media success and a Spotify playlist listened to by thousands of subscribers every month, it looks like this Spanish artist is here to stay.


Post Pandemic Playlists


Post pandemic playlists have been different from those we were listening to back in 2019. While before the coronavirus hit music was likely to be upbeat, contemporary, and using innovative sounds, there has been a fundamental shift towards the downbeat recently. From trap to pop, everyone has been listening to quieter, softer, slightly sadder music, and it’s no surprise given what we have all been through.

The post-pandemic playlist has been overhauled with on-point rap beats detailing how hard life is – but no longer with the guns and women of 90s rap. Instead, now the focus is on poor neighborhoods and fear. 

One thing that did arise from the post-pandemic shift in musical culture was a 26% rise in the sales of music streaming services. We have seen a dynamic change for the better here. While the old artists depended on publicists and studios to promote them, the post-pandemic artist could upload their tunes for streaming and cash in on their music.

This is what brings us to David Revuelta and his springboard to fame.

David Revuelta and Spotify Success


While others were hiding from the pandemic, David was in his bedroom working hard to create the tunes that his fans now know and love. With plenty of time to focus on his music, he made some of Spotify’s favorite tracks of the year. When you are a successful musician in the modern day, success doesn’t stop with your music.

People want to know who you are, they want your social media so they can follow you, they want pictures and uploads, and to see you living the life of which they have always dreamed. Suddenly, being a successful musician plays a secondary role to being a social media influencer, your workload doubles, and you have much less time for music.

Currently, David Revuelta has released his first two singles to the Spotify world, but he intends to continue this music-making streak for as long as his creativity lasts. David represents Madrid’s music scene, which is a proud tradition of live entertainment and classical guitars. However, with his modern beat and tunes reflecting a contemporary style, we love how he is morphing the old Spanish music stereotype and creating something new from it.


More from David Revuelta


If you’d like to get in while the going is good, you can follow David Revuelta across multiple social media platforms again here. However, we do suggest that you find him on TikTok and have a listen on Spotify. You might just find your new favorite thing. 

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