Jonathan Paul Smith’s Inspiring Story of Becoming a Music Sensation on Social Media

August 31, 2021 0

9378EAE0-B7EA-4F4E-B2D3-79D110587790-408x500 Jonathan Paul Smith’s Inspiring Story of Becoming a Music Sensation on Social Media

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” ― Plato

There is music in everything; we just need to have the ear for it. There is music in busy traffic, footsteps, the breaking of a glass, or the buzzing of a bee. We often tend to ignore these day-to-day sounds as mere noises. They don’t really matter to us that much, but they can be an inspiration to create for an artist. Something like this nudged the trapped creativity of rising music sensation Jonathan Paul Smith when he was only 19. The young music composer, rapper, songwriter, and performer is now taking digital media by storm with his debut album Break-Free.

Born and brought up in New Orleans, Jonathan was drawn to unique sounds from a very young age. What seemed like noise to the rest of the world was music to his artistic mind. He realized this unique ability at the age of 5 when he heard his teacher walking in boots down an empty corridor. Since then, Jonathan has developed an ear for sounds. From the trickle of a dripping faucet to the giggles of a child, everything appealed to him. He was so drawn to various sounds that he even tried to imitate some. With years of practice, he could reproduce the exact “pop” sound of a bottle when it opens, the chirping of birds, and even the buzzing of bees.

At 19, Jonathan started composing music. He mastered a unique blend of rap and hip-hop notes with undertones of distinct sounds that are familiar yet cutting-edge. Initially, it was not easy for this young artist to record his compositions without any financial backing. With no support from his family, Jonathan was left on his own to figure out how to pursue his passion. He started delivering pizzas after college to support his passion. This financial crunch went on for a couple of years when Jonathan had to work 8-hour-days after college to earn a living. He often slept on park benches but enjoyed the experience since his mind was exposed to so many unique sounds surrounding him.

During this time, one of his college friends introduced him to the world of clubs and DJing at parties. The feeling of performing to a live audience thrilled him. He was excited to finally do what he loves the most and also the ability to earn money from it. At 21, Jonathan was performing every weekend at private parties, clubs, and festivals. It was then he realized that musicians today have to be a jack of all trades, which he was. He geared up to hone his craft in singing, dancing, and composing, which diversified his talent. He made a big move to NYC, the hip-hop hub, to widen his exposure to the industry.

Just when he felt that his career had taken off in a true sense, the Covid-19 pandemic hit. His performance schedule took a back seat as almost all the events he had booked were canceled. For a few months, Jonathan was jobless and frantically searching for ways to resume his career. It was then he discovered the endless possibilities of digital media. Having a fan base was an added perk. His first release spread like wildfire. People recognized his voice instantly, making him an overnight music sensation on social media.

Jonathan has not looked back since. He is consistently working on his craft to present fresh and unique music to his audience. Right now, he is focused on his upcoming release, the title of which will be announced soon on his social media.

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