Rapper Kid Faze Is Bringing Music to the Metaverse

November 4, 2022 0
4O8A9362-1-334x500 Rapper Kid Faze Is Bringing Music to the Metaverse

Kid Faze

Becoming a musician in today’s age might seem relatively easier to others due to the boom of social media, but the challenge has only grown. Many talented artists can showcase their talents on the internet, which has increased the competition. But that didn’t stop Kid Faze from becoming a renowned rapper. 


Kid Faze studied engineering but ultimately switched over to creative arts at UCF. He decided to pursue a creative career. Becoming a rapper was something he aspired to be since he was a child. His uncle, who is also a rapper, was his inspiration from a young age. Kid also drew inspiration from the success of other well-known rappers, including Lil Wayne, Kanye West, and Diddy. 


Kid Faze originally began to compose songs while he was in middle school. This is when he produced and sold his first music record. 


“KiddoBoy” is a persona of Kid Faze that he created. Directed at children, “Kiddo Boy” will appear on his YouTube series, and he will be the main character to show children how to have fun and be creative on digital platforms.


Educating the masses on Web3 has been a responsibility many blockchain and crypto influencers have taken to heart. For Kid Faze, the importance of this is even more pressing with the younger generation. He wants to focus on helping children understand the power of Web3 and the metaverse, and how one can learn and have fun on it. 


The metaverse brings more than just online games. It is a place where teachers can impart skills digitally while making a real impact. It is a world where artists, musicians, poets, and illustrators can deliver work straight to their beloved audiences without worrying about middlemen managers taking their share of the profits. The metaverse is a world of opportunity. Children being the future, they will grow up with this technology and they have to understand the power it could bring. Kid Faze knows that this is where his mission lies – creating music while impacting the lives of children.


He will also promote his most recent hit, “I Don’t Care”, which has been streaming on numerous platforms. Kid is also working on many other projects, such as a festival scheduled for 2023. This festival brings fashion into the mix as well as his music.


Kid Faze, and other artists like him, sends an inspiring message that transcends the world of HipHop. With Web3 and the metaverse still being new technologies in early adoption, artists have a massive opportunity to be the trailblazing creators on such a platform. One might think that making music is more than enough to take on, but learning Web3 on the side while aiming to educate children on it as well? That’s a noble mission. Currently, you can listen to Kid Faze’s music on Apple Music, SoundCloud, Spotify, and Youtube.


To achieve your dreams despite the challenges in life, you must be passionate and motivated. Kid Faze has accomplished much to be proud of and will be achieving much more in the years to come. 

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