“Papa,” a ballad on top of an afrobeat, derives from the many inspirational men Ricci Bamboo has been surrounded by throughout his life. This unique sentiment is paired with a distinct sound resulting from a collaboration between himself and artist David Meli. Our youth, which Bamboo refers to as the “lost generation,” requires immense guidance and support during this tumultuous time – support from father figures. He confesses to speaking with many young people who refer to music from previous eras because they feel songs today fail to provide them with substance. Drawing from his own experiences, he understands what it means to be a fan of an artist. You grab on to everything they say within their music and truly take it to heart. Bamboo has accepted this responsibility and is creating tracks with a profound message. Papa addresses the role of strength that fathers play within their families’ structure; and the reality that many live in homes where the father is not present for various reasons. The track not only reminds listeners of the powerful presence of a father figure but also the need for men to recognize this responsibility and become unified within it.
Beginning with male dancers covered in paint that spells out the words “intelligent,” “powerful,” and “brave,” there is an essence of male empowerment in the “Papa” video. Bamboo is familiar with the difficulty of breaking through barriers as a male from a minority community. He explains, “It’s hard to find resources; there are hidden walls left, right, and center.” He encourages men to live with purpose and believe in themselves despite the inequalities. This self-confidence will allow men to be better mentors, fathers, brothers, and humans. The dancers reflect this as they perform with masculine movements and gather their hands, raising them to the sky, signifying men’s ability to uplift future generations. The video, with its short film feel, shows the impactful bond between a father and son – a bond that is vital to the growth and prosperity of men in our world.
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