Ruti Gomes Is Emerging As the Most Prolific And Versatile Hip-Hop Artist

March 2, 2022 0

unnamed-4 Ruti Gomes Is Emerging As the Most Prolific And Versatile Hip-Hop Artist

The 32-year-old Ruti Gomes is hogging the international limelight these days for all the right reasons. She is young, dynamic, versatile, and most importantly, someone who never shies away from putting her hard work on stuff that she likes most.

Ruti Gomes is based out of Sinop in Brazil. She is an emerging hip-hop artist and passionate nutritionist. She believes fitness is the key to stay healthy and every person should prioritize the importance of fitness and diet in their lives.

“I am an avid music listener. I love various genres of music, including hip-hop, Metal, Retro, and Electro. I have always been passionate about music and fitness since my childhood. When I was a kid, I always paid close attention to music and tunes. I loved keeping myself busy with creative stuff. I love writing tracks and composing lyrics. But at the same time, I am quite conscious about my health. Unless we stay fit and fine, it’s impossible to give our 100% at whatever we do.” Ruti Gomes stated.

Peeping Into The Past

Ruti Gomes was born on July 08th, 1989, in Brazil. As a 15-year-old little girl, Ruti could easily rap a song. It was during the same time, she developed tremendous interest in music—the electronic genre. Soon, she also loved listening to various Hip-Hop and rap artists. But she was always a bit conscious about offering something new and innovative to her fans and followers. She took the painstaking effort of reviewing all her music and tracks before making them live.

Ruti Gomes also takes a keen interest in nutrition. She advises people to eat healthy and follow a balanced lifestyle to grow their immune system. She wishes to raise the level of awareness among the people about nutrition and diet.

Inherent Passion for Music

Once she understood the nitty-gritty of music, Ruti started producing various music albums. People have shown keen interest in her tracks and music. She also believes music is the ultimate remedy to staying mentally fit and relaxed.

“Everyone is stressed these days. Some people are overwhelmed with office responsibilities while some of them are anxious because of relationship issues. But the reality is it’s not easy to stay away from mental stress completely. Only when you start listening to quality music and soothing tracks, can you start feeling the essence of mental peace. And when people are at peace, they make the correct decision. We already know how hasty decisions have badly impacted the lives of several people.” Ruti Gomes remarked.

She feels as long as people feel delighted and relaxed after listening to her refreshing tracks, it’s her personal achievement.

And The Journey Continues

Some of the popular singles launched by Ruti Gomes are: Energetic Retro Gym, Metal at the Academy, Fitness Gym, Villain at the Gym and many more. It showed the sheer brilliance of Ruti Gomes and she superbly blends fitness into her tracks and musical composition.

When it comes to academics, she has managed to ace three successful courses relating to music production, nutrition, and music creation. She is proud that owing to her special abilities, she can now carve her career in any of the fields she is interested in.

In Conclusion

Ruti Gomes has a considerable fan base across various social networking channels. You can listen to her new tracks on SoundCloud or Spotify.

Ruti Gomes is indeed inspirational. She is an incredible artist and is likely to achieve a lot more success in the future. You can follow Ruti Gomes’ latest updates on Instagram. She eventually aims to create a disease-free world where everyone can live happily forever.

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