Artist/Producer Ace Drucci Set To Release “Urban Music”

August 13, 2023 0

unnamed-37-500x500 Artist/Producer Ace Drucci Set To Release "Urban Music"

Known artist and producer Ace Drucci is set to release a new compilation project called Urban Music though his label Krown Records distributed by Atlantic Records. This is not the first time for Drucci, he is know for taking new artist and pairing them on songs with major artist in which he produces. Urban Music is also the name of one of his other compilation albums that was released back in 2016. He has released others such as ‘The Movement” via Universal Music Group and Diamonds In The Rough. This project is set be released in early September and will feature several major artist. This will be a must listen too project.

URBAN-MUSIC-COVER_result-500x500 Artist/Producer Ace Drucci Set To Release "Urban Music"


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