Authenticity Of The Hustler: W1nForever’s Fascinating Origin Story

July 3, 2023 0

8EF8DF99-B264-4BFE-8F28-BCCFD5CF2EC5-375x500 Authenticity Of The Hustler: W1nForever's Fascinating Origin Story

A hustler, a learner, and an honest artist, to say the least, it is W1nForever who’s taking off with his latest project: “Lab Hours.” W1nForever is someone who wants to tell his story through honest music, music that depicts his emotions and challenges vividly.

Some might say a prodigy, W1nForever started to hit the beat while he was still a single digit of age. Then, he moves on to guitar in his teenage years. However, his seriousness in music didn’t catch up until he was in his freshmen year of college.

From there, he’s starting to cook up tons of different things. Unfortunately, he started off on the wrong foot.

Start Of The Journey

At first, W1nForever focuses on making profitable and marketable music only. It’s because he assumes that doing so, will prolong his career and will surely boost his music as well. Nevertheless, it couldn’t be further from the truth.

It’s not long until he realized that by doing so, he’s subconsciously limiting his musical potential and his creativity. Shortly after, he felt like his music isn’t his, he felt like he’s been lying to his fans using his music, and he felt a deep sense of regret and dissatisfaction afterward.

What’s done is done, lessons learned, as one of the best pieces of advice he’s holding onto: “Don’t worry about things you can’t control,” he’s leaving his past behind and starting a new journey, a journey into himself. By doing so, he’s able to finally shape the way that he really wants to make music.

W1nForever’s Music-Making Process

Nowadays, the music he’s making a new kind of music that he called “hustle music.” It’s the embodiment of his evolution, effort, and inspiration that he gained from the universe. It is also the perfect representation of how he makes his music nowadays.

Whenever he got an inspiration, some jam going through his mind, or a melody bumped into his consciousness, he would call his producer for a jam session. From there, he’s venting out whatever is in his mind, letting his producer produce whatever beat he can and waiting for something to collide. That’s how he produces his masterpiece.

Truthfully, it’s Kanye West who’s been inspiring him to make music as pure as this. He feels like Kanye’s music is always real and doesn’t need any effort to be understood. And he believes that it’s the best way to make music, to let the listener understand it clearly.

He might be unknown for now, but he’s guaranteed to make it big soon. So don’t let yourself be left behind and catch all his music today!

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