Dexstarity Drops Raw on “No Hooks N The Bay”

June 8, 2024 0

Dexstarity-Rapper-Artists-Musician Dexstarity Drops Raw on "No Hooks N The Bay"

Dexstarity ain’t playin’ no games with his new EP, “No Hooks N The Bay.” This ain’t your typical radio fodder. This is five tracks of pure, uncut bars that’ll leave you wanting more. Forget catchy hooks, these beats are designed to knock your head and get your hustle on. Dexstarity’s already been tearin’ up the club scene, DJing for the Bored Ape Yacht Club fam and keepin’ the energy high at Vegas after-parties. This EP is a statement – a raw display of lyrical prowess that proves Dexstarity’s a force to be reckoned with. Keep an eye on this one, it’s gonna be a scorcher.

Catch “No Hooks N The Bay” now:

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