Exclusive Interview: Mía Nalaíde “The Singer Who Can Spit”

September 29, 2022 0

What is your name and what city do you rep?

Mía Nalaíde “The Singer Who Can Spit”

Born in Paris, TN, but I live in Murfreesboro, TN

Tell us about your latest releases, what inspired you to create them?

I first released Boy, Please about a year ago, but I recently released the music video two months ago and I’m really proud of it; I’m happy that I finally finished something even though it cost so much. I had to do a lot of saving, but I’d rather invest in myself than owe anyone. I released a single as well called “Too Much Heartache” and everyone says I’m sleeping on it because I haven’t been promoting it as much. It’s a dope ass song, but I’m hurting through out the whole song, and I’m not used to showing all this emotion so publicly. I also think it can be a lot better. The part of me that wants everything to be perfect is bugging me to take it down and release it again when it’s SHPIFFY!

What is unique about you and your music?

I’m not really sure what makes my music so unique other than that fact that it’s created be me. It’s my flow, my voice, my thoughts. I like to think there’s nobody like me. I personally feel like I am a very unique individual and my personality shows in my music which may also make it stand out, but I get compared to a lot of artists and it kind of discourages me. It’s not my goal to sound like anyone else. I think that I have more soul than some other artists and like I say, I’m the Singer Who Can Spit, I just let the music sing to me.

What shaped your music? 

My writing shapes my music. It always has. I think my lyrics are what locks people into my songs. I was writing poems and books at a young age just for the fun of it. I spent a lot of time grounded, so all I did was write. Eventually, poetry didn’t hit the same, I wanted to make my poems in to songs to sing. My family swear up and down I can’t sing, but shoot.. I like to sing.. 

When did you realize you were going to make music professionally?

I remember being a little girl dreaming of being a professional musician. My sister and I used to use our neighbor’s roof as a stage when we were kids. I’ve always loved the idea of being on stage and performing in front of thousands of people. I’ve always loved music! I was much more shy then of course, but I started pursuing it as a career at 19. I moved to California to get more experience and I had the time of my life there. I learned so much, met so many people and the opportunities were endless. The more I pursue it, the more I taste the success of it all. Just to be paid to make music and perform is enough for me.

What type of music do you listen to? 

I listen to good music. Any genre, any artist, any era. I just have an appreciation for music all around, but I think I am most inspired by old school music. Older music seems to have more soul and I like music that feeds the soul.

What inspires you to write music? 

Life. Sometimes I get overwhelmed with things that I’m feeling inside and I feel as if I’m going to explode. I guess it’s because I have so much to say and when I finally record and the music comes out just like how I imagined it, it feels like a release. I don’t know how to talk to people. I’ve always written what I feel. It’s easier for me to process my thoughts that way. When I speak, I feel like people don’t understand me. I get told I speak like a book and I guess when I write people feel me more anyway. When I’m talking I’m crazy, but when I sing, I’m a genius.

What do you do when you don’t do music (creative or otherwise) and that you are passionate about? 

When I’m not doing music, I’m working. I’m always hustling some money somehow. I don’t like to be broke and iNvesting in my own music is expensive, so I have to work fives times as hard to survive and to make things happen. A lot of times I don’t get to make moves for my music because life is kicking me in the a$$ and I have to make sure I have a roof over my head before I go to the studio or travel for a show.

Happiness to you is… 

Happiness to me would be pursuing music full time. I wake up everyday thinking about how I can work doing what I love rather than working in Customer Service at my full time. I absolutely hate working for someone else. Happiness would be working for myself and being able to relax with the fruits of my labor any time I want to. I don’t like answering to nobody. I’m a loner and I want to be at peace. I would like to be able to lock myself in the studio for 48 hours creating nothing but hits.

What do you wish you were told when you first started making music that you think would help artists just starting out? 

They always tell you that it’s not about what you know, it’s about who you know, and I think that just applies to people who want to get into the door quicker. When you don’t know anybody, you can always get to know people, but they will be hard to trust. There are a lot of snakes in the industry. When you make it about what you know, you learn how to put the work in yourself and bring up the vision yourself. It’s harder, but it’s yours. When you know people, they always want to be broken off. I don’t mind breaking people off, but you not finna break my pockets neither. 

Tell us about your upcoming projects…

I have two new songs that I just recorded: One is called “Overdose” and the other is called “Scarred.” I am super excited about both of these because these two songs confirm that I’ve found my voice, for me. I’m getting more and more comfortable with my sound. I still feel like I’m learning myself as an artist, but these, I’m proud of. It took me maybe four years to write Overdose. Mostly because I didn’t have a beat for it. I wrote it from my scratch and originally I wanted live music, but I was looking for beats last week and this was the first one I clicked and it was magic. I recorded the next day and it came out exactly how I imagined. As for “Scarred,” this one is dear to me. I dedicate it to my first love, and my last for a long while. I wrote this while in a very dark place. I’m still tryna get out of this dark place as we speak, but I was ready to end everything. I’ve been losing hope in myself, losing faith in love, and more than anything I was lonely. This song I’m just saying, “I’m here to love you, not to hurt you, but as you keep hurting me, I’m turning into someone I’m not. Now, I have to love you from a distance.”

Where do we find your music / music projects?

You can find my music on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, Audiomack, etc! Also, I go live everyday on BIGO to connect with fans old and new. This app has really been helping me build my fan base. I preview new music here, you can enjoy live studio sessions with me, photoshoots, video shoots and more. I just invite any and everyone to come experience this musical journey with me because it is the people who support me that are going to help me get to where I want to be. 

Also, catch me on all social platforms @mianalaide 

Any last words for the readers?

Y’all might not like me or my music, but I like me and my music. I voted myself most likely to succeed in highschool. I ain’t care about who else succeed, they not gone help me eat and I can’t let myself down by being a bum, so go stream my music and show me you love me! 

Also, I would really appreciate if anyone reading this article would go vote for the Southern Entertainment Awards (SEA). It’s my first nomination for anything, so Y’all should definitely go vote me Musician of the year. Voting ends in March 2023. 

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