Wayne B talks about his Inspirations in the music game as well as his creativity

October 22, 2022 0

Wayne-B-500x500 Wayne B talks about his Inspirations in the music game as well as his creativity

1.What first got you into music?

I grew up around music. Singing show tunes and big band artists like Frank Sinatra as a toddler. My brother first introduced me to Rap when I was 5 years old when Country Grammar by Nelly came out. Fell in love with Hip Hop and Rap music and never looked back. 

2.Who inspired you to make music?

Life inspires my content. I talk about things that I’ve been through and seen. 

M.West inspired me to pursue it. Encouraging me to write before I ever recorded a single bar. 

Artists like Tech N9ne, King Iso, Hopsin, and Eminem inspire my style and lyricism. 

3.How would you describe the music that you typically create?

Eclectic. I have a song for almost every mood, feeling, style, and taste. I don’t want to limit myself so I explore the canvas that is my music. 

4.What is your creative process like?

It changes fairly often but lately I start by making phonetic sounds to a beat to figure out how I want to flow. And then I write whatever feeling or memory the beat inspires. Let the beat tell me what to do. 

5.Who would you most like to collaborate with?

Definitely King Iso, Rittz, Hopsin and Tech N9ne. Locally in St. Louis I think a collab with Big Boss Vette would be fire! I also would like to work with P.R.E.A.C.H. because he and I have similar styles and I would definitely learn a thing or two. 

6.If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?

King Iso, Rittz, and Stevie Stone are the first to pop in my head. 

7.What is one message you would give to your fans?

You are your own worst enemy. Don’t hold yourself back from what you want to accomplish. 

8.Do you sing in the shower? What songs?

Occasionally. Usually Broadway show tunes. Been listening to Phantom of the Opera a lot lately. 

9.Where have you performed?

Do you have any upcoming shows?

I have yet to perform but there are conversations in the works to change that. 

10.How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?

It definitely made it more accessible. I know if it wasn’t for the internet my music wouldn’t have gone near as far as it has. It has made networking so much easier as well and I believe that’s the most important effect the internet has had on music. 

11.What is your favorite song to perform?

I have yet to perform it but Belligerent has been my favorite to make so far. It’s very high energy and you can’t help but feel like the Kool Aid man listening to

IG: https://instagram.com/wayneb_314

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