iPhone Tip: Set The Camera Flash AS An LED Message Indicator (No Jailbreak Required)

December 13, 2011 0

I just recently stumbled upon this trick and its really cool for me because I keep my phone on silent and the vibrate off. So instead of me having to keep looking at my phone for messages or phones calls I will see the flashing light and know I have a phone call or a new message.

If you find yourself missing messages due to not hearing the sounds, or would rather skip the noises and just see a light, check out a few simple steps to get yourself going.

  1. Open your settings and scroll down to Accessibility.general1-373x560 iPhone Tip: Set The Camera Flash AS An LED Message Indicator (No Jailbreak Required)
  2. Scroll to the middle and look for LED Flash for Alerts, and switch to on.accessibility-373x560 iPhone Tip: Set The Camera Flash AS An LED Message Indicator (No Jailbreak Required)

Just like that you can now take advantage of utilizing your LED from your camera as a message indicator for new incoming messages. Luckily you can easily switch the options off and on easily while on the go, so if you want to turn it off at any point you can without an issue.

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