Beyonce in Billboard Mag

May 11, 2011 0

1100089-beyonce-cover-617 Beyonce in Billboard Mag

Hov’s life partner revealed her upcoming 4th album title to during a recent sitdown to discuss the project. Aside from her extremely personal album title (expect some new off-the-wall Illuminati accusations to start), Beyonce also commented on continuing on with her career without her father as manager.

The new album is called “4.” Aside from this being your fourth solo album, what significance does that number hold?

We all have special numbers in our lives, and 4 is that for me. It’s the day I was born. My mother’s birthday, and a lot of my friends’ birthdays, are on the fourth; April 4 is my wedding date.

read what Bey said about working without her father, after the jump…

This is your first record that you’ve made without your father managing you. What sort of options opened up that may be different than before?


It’s not that anything bad happened between us. My family has my support always, and they support me, but when you’ve been working with the same people for 15 years, it’s natural to eventually have your own ideas. I believe that parents prepare their kids for the moment that they’re on their own: at this point, I’m taking everything my dad and my mother have taught me, and I’m able to do things my way. We were at a point where we’d learned so much from each other, and now it’s exciting for me to do this on my own and hire my own team. I’ve started managing myself.

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