Ms. Darkchild “The Princess of Comedy” (Video)

November 17, 2014 0

Philly’s own multilateral Ms. Darkchild is here. You never know what you’re going to get. Anissa Bane A.K.A/ Ms.Darkchild brings a passion and a vision to the game of Comedy and Hosting. She wants to revolutionize the way people view comedy. Ms. Darkchild began her comedy acts in 1999 and added to her repertoire, hosting in 2001.Since then she has earn the title “The Princess of Comedy”.

Ms. Darkchild has founded and started Absolute Soul Entertainment LLC. an entertainment company. She is producing events and sharing her knowledge withMs. those attempting to get into the business. She is currently working on her first stage play “Tenant Eviction”. Once produced this stage play is sure to be a hit. Ms. Darkchild is currently seeking sponsorship for the stage play. Ms. Darkchild can be seen regularly at open mics and comedy clubs throughout the city and wherever a stage may be.

Some highlights on Ms.Darkchild can be viewed in the June 1st, 2003 issue of the Philly Sun, in the Prototype of the Truth Magazine, Olney Times and 2005­2006 Back Pocket Magazine. MS. Darkchild also had a write up in an online magazine. She won the Philadelphia Laff House, Tickle Me Tuesday comedy contest 2010. She can also be seen in several up and coming movies.

Just when you thought Ms. Darkchild had enough going on, she adds another notch to her belt. Recently Ms.Darkchild has earned the role of RENEE BROWN in the internet show The whispering bench For now Ms.Darkchild continue to blaze through Philadelphia and beyond, planting her seeds of Comedy and Hosting. Keep your eyes to the TV and movies, as Ms. Darkchild is sure to pop up somewhere. Stay tuned because this is just the beginning. She strives to explore new directions , new challenges and new freedoms.

Ms. Darkchild
267­702­Dark (3275)
Office [email protected]
Website: [email protected]
Instagram /@ Datgirlcomedy

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