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Elz Jenkins x Aleon Craft x Pilz WB – Eastside

June 26, 2015 0

unnamed-74 Elz Jenkins x Aleon Craft x Pilz WB - Eastside

Quiet as kept, the Eastside of Atlanta (from Decatur to East Atlanta and all points in between) has contributed quite a bit to Hip-Hop: Outkast, Gucci Mane, B.o.B., Future, Cyhi Da Prince, Scotty ATL, and Childish Gambino, to name a few.

So it’s only fitting that the “Eastside” should be immortalized in song by two of its native sons, Elz Jenkins and Aleon Craft, with an assist from Bay Area transplant Pilz WB. The song is a preview of what’s to come on Elz’ debut EP “Dealer’s Day Off,” due out at the end of the summer.

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