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Casiino Smooth New Internet Series On YouTube

August 17, 2020 0

image0-19-284x500 Casiino Smooth New Internet Series On YouTube

Casiino Smooth starts a new interview series on YouTube interviewing trending music artists and influencers. Some of the interviewees are viral dancer and music artist King Imprint, Chicago OTF rapper Memo 600, Billboard charting artist Votte Hall, Las Vegas rapper Remix Reek and many more! The series is focused on highlighting the positive, business side of the music artist’s career instead of focusing on the negative, violence and drug talk. Casiino Smooth, CEO of Paradym Music Group LLC is a marketing and media company that uses its platform to give insight into the music industry to educate upcoming and independent artists. You can watch the latest interviews on the Paradym Music Group YouTube Channel.


Follow Casiino Smooth @casiinosmooth

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