Sean Andre rises before dawn and starts his day with 500 push-ups, 30-minute meditation, and a personal prayer to protect his greatness. Since birth, nothing has been regular, planned, or given to him. Most people can not accept the consequences of failure in pursuing higher levels of success. The “eat or be eaten” mentality which exists inside the mind of every New York hustler, so expectations are always to win. There is no middle ground of success in the concrete jungle of New York.
The birthplace of Hip-Hop music raises the bar for native New Yorkers and provides a zero-tolerance policy for anything less than “classic.”
The year 2020 has been a roller coaster ride for everyone. All business industries, including music, have adjusted their business model to survive in the new world of “COVID-19”. Hip-Hop music consumption is at an all-time high, and “HUNNID or BETTA” leaves nothing to the imagination. Pulsating basslines and exotic street dream lyrics create another summer hustler anthem. Every line of “HUNNID or BETTA” reminds every aspiring rapper why they must never give up hope.
The diverse storytelling skillset of Sean Andre allows him to fly amongst rare air and paint panoramic visuals within his samurai blade wordplay. The legendary clouds of Hip-Hop hover over the city always, so Sean Andre understands the importance of creating new boundaries and elevating rap culture.
© 2020, Jonathan P-Wright. All rights reserved.