Meet Writer and Filmmaker: Dr. Shaun Powell

September 23, 2021 0 Comments

E9C85EE9-88F0-49BA-819C-D5E65369A1ED-400x500 Meet Writer and Filmmaker: Dr. Shaun Powell

What first got you into writing/filmmaking?

I was told at a young age that children should be seen and not heard, so the things that interest me I had to write about it.  I started writing in my jounral about my family and the things that I saw in my neighborhood sitting on my porch.  Some of those things were tramatic, funny , dramatic and entertaining. 

Who inspired you to write plays/film?

My family. My daughters and husband always enougraged me pursue more with my writing.

How would you describe the projects that you typically create?

I typically create stage plays and films that are meant to inspire and bring aware to situations within the family, community and world.

What is your creative process like?

I like to be alone by the water or with nature to allow God to allow my creativity to flow. Oh, and a box of Goobers (chocolate). Goobers are like my creative super food. When I’m writing or directing, I have to have a box of Goobers.

Who would you most like to collobrate with?

The one and only Mr. TD Jakes. I would like to do a movie or stage play with him based on the the calling, expections, mental stress and desires etc.  of a preacher. It will have a twist of course.  Maybe we can call it, The Calling! Lol. I would like to just create a project with the awesome TD Jakes. 

If you could go open a show for any artist would it be? 

What is one message you would give to your fans? Nothing beats a failure but a try! Never give up, your time is your time and it’s coming.

How do you feel that the internet has impacted the music business?

The internet has taken the music and all other businesses to the next level. You can instantly get your music and projects out to billions of individuls without restrictions.

What is your favorite project you worked on?

My short film, God Knows My Heart and all of my stage plays. I  love being able to provide opportunites to local upcoming artist to showcase their talents all while bringing my vision to life.

What famous playwright or filmmaker do you admire? 

Deon Taylor, Ava DuVernay, Tyler Perry and myself. 

What is the best advise you’ve been given?

It doesn’t matter if it was done before, it just haven’t been done by you.

If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?

Probably nothing. 

What’s next for you?

My stage play, Until You Do Right By Me in Jacksonville, FL November 20, 2021 at the Ritz Theatre Tickets on sale at and the Vystar Veterans Memorial Arena. 

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