Musician Dan Folger Delivers Hot New Track “More Money”

September 3, 2021 0

74D34F96-D6C9-4FAD-8539-981AD9003CB2-314x500 Musician Dan Folger Delivers Hot New Track “More Money”
Known for constantly being surrounded by some of the biggest celebrities in the game, Dan Folger has seen it all in the entertainment industry. Backed by his investments and strong social media presence, Folger is beginning to embark on his journey in the realm of music. Eager to make his mark in yet another worldwide industry, he recently released a new single titled “More Money” and it is a certified hit.


More Money” begins with an infectious beat that builds up before Dan Folger lays his melodic bars on the track. Floating over the beat and filling the pockets perfectly, Folger raps about how his life has changed from his success, and no matter how far he gets he’s still chasing more. He shows off his pure talent and anticipation builds as fans await his next release.


More Money” is catching the attention of some of the biggest names in the industry and it is only a matter of time before it gets in front of the right person. Be sure to keep Dan Folger on your radar as he is destined to one day be a star in the music industry.


Stream Dan Folger’s “More Money” on Spotify here.


Follow Dan Folger on Instagram here.

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