Vetted Songwriter Haan Is Worthy of All His Flowers

November 3, 2021 0

ITSGRECHIE-48-334x500 Vetted Songwriter Haan Is Worthy of All His Flowers

Suppose you’re tapped into the Aussie music scene; you’ve probably heard of Haan. The Australian-based superproducer proved himself a mainstay in the music industry, from innovative songwriting to major collaborations along his musical journey, Haan has so much in store for his future.

Entering 2022, Haan continues to push boundaries and defy limits–he’s quickly made a name for himself through original compositions and vetted production like “The Top” by 24kGoldn and glaive’s ‘Detest Me,’ which have amassed over 10 Million streams on Spotify alone.  His recent studio efforts see him exploring untapped creative potential, blending unique sounds while remaining true to his heritage. He’s zealous, devoted and a massive influence on those in his circle. Talents like Haan have an ingrained power to connect individuals by purposely coalescing themes of relevant music (while uncompromisingly nuanced) that many find familiar in his work.


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(Photo: Haan with KID LAROI in Hollywood Studios)

2022 is about to be a game-changer for Haan as he has much-unreleased music he’s been carefully lining up for release in the new year–the long-awaited tension has his fans on the edge of their seats. Radio hits, club-anthems and chart-toppers seamlessly lined up for Haan, setting him apart from the rest, proving exactly why he deserves all his flowers.


Keep up to date with Haan and follow him on all socials:



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