The name of the Artist is his Goal…Get2Millions! His latest song “Dragon Fist” is something that has never been heard before a combination Japanese stringed instruments and banging R&B Beats infused together
Get2Millions experienced a life of poverty and limited financial means growing up in Chicago. As a young man in his 20s, he moved to LA, where money became his motivator. After starting out by making money the wrong way, Dustin found himself in federal prison. This proved to be a wake up call, as he made a personal commitment to do everything he could to never go back.
With tracks like “Richteous”, “Never Fail”, and “Lounging” — Get2Millions is showing the world that redemption is always possible no matter your mistakes. With a Midwest tour in his sites for 2022, Get2Millions is in the lab cooking up new tracks to inspire his listeners to get out of the ruts they may be in. His inspiration stems from being able to inspire others to chase their dreams no matter their circumstances.
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