GMR Artist PTL Dom explains how to Stay True to yourself

September 26, 2022 0

ptl-dom-500x333 GMR Artist PTL Dom explains how to Stay True to yourself

What’s your background? What got you into rap music?

It all  started when I was only 8 years old, when I went to St.Louis to visit family. Then next day after arriving my cousins who at the time were musicians made a group called NXT LEVEL when they show me thier at home studio and gave me lyrics to rap i knew this would be the beginning of a long journey and this drew me into the career I peruse today 

How long has music been a part of your life?

Music been a part of my life since I really started out back in 2018

If it wasn’t for music, where would you be now?

If it weren’t for music I don’t know what else I would be doing I have my education of course but my music and PTL itself as a brand is something that I’m very passionate about 

How did you come to realise that music was the way forward for you?

Ever since I took a chance on one of my recent releases of my song Stay True not only did It get a lot of views and streams the song went platinum on SoundCloud generating over a million views that’s when I knew this was for me 

If you had to sacrifice one skill, which would you least like to let go, and why?

My skill of speaking another language. It’s imperative to be bilingual that means I can travel outside of my country to certain areas and not be able to get lost i can also incorporate that into my music so me being bilingual is a skill I can’t afford to lose 

In what way do you aim to make a difference?

In the music industry being an independent artist is hard because we try to get our name out there as we know it but they never show you the investments you have to make and time you have to put in even worse most underground artist do not support because they don’t want others to get what they’re working for. I make music mostly for these underground artist to try to help them realize and understand better ways to enhance their career and have everyone achieve what they want 

Who’s your fashion icon, and why?

Unfortunately I don’t have a specific fashion Icon that I admire I wear whatever I can put together in the closet but if I had to choose one I’d say Ralph Lauren because I used to wear a lot of polo

What’s the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into?

When I first made PTL. Around that time I was 15 and was getting bullied I made PTL with a group of friends because we both had problems with the same people it was jus me and him at first then more and more people started to join I was always doing something dumb like skipping school to smoke cut class to make music etc it wasn’t until I had to relocate in order to change my ways 

Congrats on all of your success PTL Dom, how does it feel to be on top?

I’m not on top yet I feel but when I am the world will know I just take it step by step each day until we know that the goal is accomplished 

Where is your career heading? What’s the vision?

Only to greater things more major features and seeing me perform and travel across seas.

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