Jungle Girl Ykayyy is set to release her new Ep ‘In The Name Of Swerve N Sway’

September 16, 2022 0

Screenshot_20220908-175126-863-292x500 Jungle Girl Ykayyy is set to release her new Ep 'In The Name Of Swerve N Sway'

Jungle Girl Ykayyy (JGYK) is an up-and-coming hip-hop/rap/spoken word musical artist from CHARLOTTE, NORTH CAROLINA, who stands out with her southern-styled baby mama drill music with an even louder twang to it in her own words. JGYK’s new EP In The Name Of Swerve N Sway will be released on 14th October 2022. We asked JGYK about the story behind the EP title and how it fits the concept of the EP.

About her

JGYK is a female spoken word artist born and raised in Charlotte, NC. JGYK has her own sound JungleSound which she describes as southern-styled baby mama drill music with an even louder twang to it. She bases her music on what she experiences or has experienced. She is an offbeat and groundbreaking artist with a penchant for inventing interesting words and starting controversial conversations, but you’ll enjoy hearing her creations, even if they might seem strange at first. She is going to release her new EP In the name of Swerve n Sway on October 14th, 2022 and this EP will be available on all streaming platforms.

In The Name of Swerve n Sway

Swerve and Sway are her two oldest children and it’s dedicated to them as well as the last chapter of her relationship with her ex-baby mama. There’s pain, heartache, and hella anger in every song, but they won’t let you down. What makes this song apart from others is her jungle sound of accompanying lyrics that take you on a journey into a fantasy world where love and pain exist side by side; In The Name of Swerve n Sway tells about the moments that make one person strong for another.

What makes this artist apart from others

She is different from other artists because she isn’t afraid to speak her mind. Her lyrics aren’t typical of the music we hear today, they’re outlandish and showcase how loud she is. She’s very outspoken in her interviews and on social media as well. She has her own sound that nobody else can have because it’s just like her. With a creative sound, it will be interesting to see what JGYK will do next with this upcoming EP In The Name Of Swerve N Sway. Before December 2022, she plans to release two more EPs and they are going to be awesome. We’ll see what the future holds for this artist who seems unstoppable.

Her upbringing was only rough because Jungle Girl Ykayyy made it rough for herself not because she didn’t have support from her mother or family she was just always the hard headed one but very intelligent and ahead of her time, she loves challenges which often times had her going against the grain.


Instagram: @JungleGirlYkayyy

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