Hello, everyone! This is POKEG and I’m here to review a new song with an old favorite: the Legendary Pokémon Arcanine.
Arcanine hiphop trap has been the most anticipated Pokemon release of all time, and I am happy to say that it does not disappoint.
Starting off with a sample from the anime, where Arcanine is first seen alongside its trainer in a spectacular fashion, the song quickly transitions into a drop that shakes you to your very core.
Starting off with a sample from the anime, where Arcanine is first seen alongside its trainer in a spectacular fashion, the song quickly transitions into a drop that shakes you to your very core.
And if all this wasn’t enough, POKEG included an extended rap battle at the end that reminds us why he’s the best Pokemon rapper in the industry. Finally, an artist who knows how to use his vocals to make trap pokemon.
All in all, this track is easily one of my favorites on POKEG’s debut single that you can listen to on Spotify right now (shameless plug). It also has some Easter eggs for those of you who can find them 😉
I’ve always been interested in creating music that has meaning, passionate lyrics, and meaningful messages.
I wanted to create a song that showcased how Arcainine is the best for the time being.
“I made the song for Arcanine fans and it just rolled off the tongue while I was in the studio”
I have a dream that every pokemon can live happy, healthly lives especially in the HipHop world.
You can checkout PokeGs Pokemon themed rhymes and subscribe for Tour updates at Pokeraps.com
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