Recording Artist and Rapper 8roke Talks Miami Tour and New Music

February 20, 2022 0 Comments


F55C7A3D-A912-4533-94D1-9466C2CCBF73 Recording Artist and Rapper 8roke Talks Miami Tour and New Music

Florida based rapper and producer 8roke continues to take a stance within the Tampa to Miami music scene.  We had a recent sit down with the artist and discussed his plans to expand his musical territory.

8roke’s first foray into the music business is “Feels Good.” Sony Music Entertainment’s ‘The Orchard’ distributed this album, giving us a taste of what to expect from the entrepreneur and producer.

Originally from the Bronx, but now living in Miami, the artist has put together a solid debut effort that is sure to lift your spirits. 8roke claims that his love for music stems from listening to it frequently while working on the automotive side of the vehicle. This connects him to both of his worlds in a pretty cool way. The more 8roke evolves as an artist and releases new material, the more I look forward to his future work. Keep an eye out for the homie and show your support by giving him a like, a listen, a follow, etc.



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