Bubbling South Philadelphia, PA streetwear brand Rex6 is currently growing as one of the city’s newest brands, seen on prominent Philadelphia creators and tastemakers, and across the community in general. The city is known for its plethora of different streetwear fashion options, and Rex6 is definitely an upcoming fan-favorite. Learn more about the brand and the owner, Rich, below:
When did your brand launch, and what inspired you?
On May 29, 2021, Rex6 was launched. Coming of age in South Philadelphia, many of my peers were not lucky enough graduate high school, see their 21st birthday, or let alone be able to live out their dreams. It appeared as if the older we got, the access to guns and potential threats became more prevalent. While all my memories growing up were not bad, I knew I wanted more for myself, my neighbors, and the place I consider to be home. Rex6 was created in solidarity of my community. Named after the one place where we felt safe, the local recreation center, I wanted the neighborhood, and the streets that shaped me to be who I am today to be known for more than taking young lives through incarceration or violence.
What type of brand would you describe yours as?
Comfortable/luxury athletic streetwear — I like to call it all purpose wear.
If you have to provide 3 words to describe your brand: Strong, Familial, Unique
What is the brand’s mission statement?
It’s just to motivate anybody who comes from where we come from, and to show them if we can do it anybody can do it. It’s all about the youth for us and bringing back togetherness not just for our community, but for everybody’s — And it’s also to bring great quality clothes to everybody across the world.

Has anyone prominent been seen in the brand? If so, name them!
Yes: 2Rare, WestPhillyToure, Dion Waiters, Will Barton, Alize Johnson, The Morris Twins, Cory Floc, FunnyBulQuil, Philly Goats, and plenty more!
What’s a fashion tip your brand goes by?
“Carry it wit care” lol
Name an obstacle you overcame when it came to launching/ building your brand:
We just started, so I’m still getting over obstacles to this day. But I’ll have to say shipping!
Drop a tip you would provide to upcoming designers:
Keep going, keep creating and be different.
All social media handles: officialpageofrex6 on Instagram, Facebook, Tiktok and
@carryitwitcare on Twitter!
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