Iconic Guitar Riffs in Hip Hop Anthems

July 14, 2023 0

When you hear hip-hop music, what do you think of? Many might think of catchy beats, powerful words, and cool hooks. But there’s another piece of the puzzle that can make a hip-hop song truly special: the guitar.

Guitars can make a song feel powerful, exciting, or even thoughtful. They help add depth and can give a song a whole new feel. You’ll find guitars in many different types of hip-hop, whether it’s hard-hitting street anthems or thoughtful, slow-burn tracks.

In this article, “Iconic Guitar Riffs in Hip Hop Anthems,” we’re going to talk about the coolest guitar parts in famous hip-hop songs. These guitar riffs might be borrowed from old rock songs or made up on the spot by talented musicians. Either way, they’ve helped make these songs memorable and have played a big role in making hip-hop what it is today.

So, get ready to rock out as we explore how the worlds of hip-hop and guitars come together to make some truly awesome music!


Early Influence

Guitars have been a part of hip-hop since its early days. In the 1980s, groups like Run DMC were starting to mix their beats with guitar sounds from rock music. They used guitar riffs in a big way in their song “Walk This Way,” where they collaborated with the rock band Aerosmith. This opened the door for more artists to use guitars in hip-hop.

Notable Artists and Their Contributions

The Beastie Boys

The Beastie Boys were a group of rappers who also loved punk rock. Their songs often had loud, powerful guitar riffs. A great example is their hit “Fight For Your Right.” The guitar sounds help make the song energetic and rebellious.


We’ve already mentioned Run DMC, but they’re worth bringing up again. Their use of guitars helped create a style of hip hop that was part rock and part rap. They did it again with “Rock Box,” a song that mixed heavy guitar with catchy rap verses.


This duo from Atlanta is known for their creative music style. They use all kinds of instruments, including the guitar. In their song “Hey Ya!,” the guitar plays a sweet melody that sticks in your head.

Wyclef Jean

Wyclef Jean is a master of mixing different music styles. He often uses his guitar skills in his songs. His track “Gone Till November” has a beautiful guitar part that adds a lot of emotion.

Lauryn Hill

Lauryn Hill is known for her powerful voice and deep lyrics. She also knows how to use the guitar to make her songs feel even more special. In “To Zion,” the guitar adds a soulful touch.

Other Notable Artists

There are many other artists who use guitars in their music. Some of them include Jay-Z, Kanye West, and Eminem. They show how versatile guitars can be in hip hop.

Famous Collaborations

Sometimes, hip hop artists team up with rock stars to create something really cool. A famous example is when Jay-Z worked with Linkin Park. They made a mix of their songs “Numb” and “Encore,” creating a blend of heavy guitar and rap that was a big hit.

Sampling and Hip Hop

Sampling is when a part of a song is reused in a new song. Many hip hop artists use samples from rock songs for their guitar riffs. For example, Eminem sampled Led Zeppelin’s “Kashmir” for his song “Zeppelin.” This is a creative way to use guitar sounds in hip hop.

Case Studies

Let’s take a closer look at a couple of hip hop anthems that use guitar in a great way.

  • “Crazy In Love” by Beyoncé: This song features a catchy guitar riff right at the beginning. It sets the tone for the whole song and makes it instantly recognizable.
  • “Stronger” by Kanye West: Kanye uses a driving guitar sample from Daft Punk’s “Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger,” which gives the song a unique and futuristic feel.

The Modern Era

Nowadays, lots of hip-hop artists are using guitars in their music. Artists like Post Malone and Lil Nas X show how guitars can still make hip-hop songs sound fresh and exciting.


From the early days of Run DMC to today’s chart-toppers, guitars have played a big role in hip-hop. They help add a special touch to the music that makes it stand out. So next time you listen to your favorite hip-hop song, see if you can hear the guitar!


Finally, here’s a playlist of all the songs we talked about. Enjoy!

  • “Walk This Way” – Run DMC and Aerosmith
  • “Fight For Your Right” – Beastie Boys
  • “Rock Box” – Run DMC
  • “Hey Ya!” – OutKast
  • “Gone Till November” – Wyclef Jean
  • “To Zion” – Lauryn Hill
  • “Numb/Encore” – Jay-Z and Linkin Park
  • “Zeppelin” – Eminem
  • “Crazy In Love” – Beyoncé
  • “Stronger” – Kanye West
  • “Rockstar” – Post Malone
  • “Old Town Road” – Lil Nas X


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