Elliot Szabo – Brave Review

April 6, 2023 0

coverimage-2-500x500 Elliot Szabo – Brave Review

For most artists, Elliot Szabo’s latest album, “Brave,” is a powerful display of creative self-expression. As an Americana artist from Georgia, Elliot’s album is a collaborative work of a carefully curated team of experts, all coming together to help work on this album. “Brave” is meant to be a deeper dive into Elliot’s thoughts and ideas, which certainly delivers on that promise.

For fans of Americana, “Brave” is a real treat for the ears. The album combines many of the best aspects of the genre into an enjoyable whole. You get the grounded songwriting, the personal aspect, the simple but melodic and catchy instrumentals, and some excellent emotional impact where it’s needed.

Elliot’s personal touch is evident in practically every song on the album. While not all the songs are somber trudges through life, they all carry that feeling of human experience. Many are joyful, celebrating the good things in Elliot’s life, while others are more emotionally charged, like the surprisingly heart-wrenching “The Ubiquitous Road Song.”

One of the most impressive things about “Brave” is how it blends different musical genres together. Hints of rock, punk, and pop can be heard throughout, keeping things interesting and fun to listen to. “Schizophrenic Jesus” is a phenomenal album closer, throwing punk rock influences into the mix. It makes for a fun and engaging album to listen to throughout its runtime.

Elliot’s writing is also exceptional, as he bares his heart to the world through his music. “Get Out” is a standout in this regard, a painful rendition of the experience of being afraid to speak out. Peer pressure has always been a heavy topic within society, and it’s great to see Elliot give his nuanced and supportive thoughts.

Despite putting aside the lyrics, however, “Brave” still impresses with some great showings. “The Train” is the best highlight of Elliot’s pure mastery over the musical arrangement, as the song’s practically an instrumental for the most part. It maintains an energetic rhythm and fun progression that’s difficult to replicate, and we’re big fans of how hard it hits.

Overall, “Brave” is an absolute showcase of an album for Elliot Szabo. Between the fantastic instrumentals, the insightful and often melancholic writing, and the clean, crisp production, it is an enjoyable experience that we heartily recommend. Even if you aren’t the biggest fan of Americana, “Brave” is a must-listen for anyone who appreciates music as a form of creative self-expression.

Listen on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/0C9fiDBGxYrYgiX0qgX48L?si=kgO03fNpQ_GAgy1JIqg9-g

Website: https://szaboband.com/about

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