Money Time: When The Boss Lady and The Money Team Take Over Miami!

February 2, 2023 0

4535FFC8-91E3-4084-8A5D-15F5F28BD4D3-231x500 Money Time: When The Boss Lady and The Money Team Take Over Miami!

The city of Miami is about to feel the heat as the “Money Team” takes over with their latest tour. Boss Lady Trista, Uno, and The Money Team from Money Time Productions have been making waves in the southeastern region and now they’re coming to Miami to show everyone what they’re made of.

With their infectious energy, the Money Team has been making a lot of noise and catching the attention of many music enthusiasts. From radio interviews to club appearances and live shows, the Money Team has been creating a buzz that’s hard to ignore. And with Boss Lady Trista at the helm, the Money Team is set to reach new heights and become one of the hottest acts in the music industry.

But what is the “Money Team” all about, you ask? Simply put, they’re all about setting new standards for artists coming from the underground to higher platforms. They believe in promoting new and upcoming artists who have what it takes to make it big. And that’s why they’re promoting the “Money Team Anthem” and Ace Mula’s new single “Nobody”, set to drop late February.

So, if you’re in Miami and want to experience the excitement and energy of the Money Team, then you need to lock in and catch up on their takeover tour. Trust us, you don’t want to miss out on the fun and entertainment that this team has in store for you.

In conclusion, the Money Time takeover is all about making a statement, promoting new talent, and having a good time. So, grab your dancing shoes, put on your party hat, and get ready to join the Money Team on their latest adventure in Miami.

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