Mr Consistency Aka Dada P

August 6, 2023 0

IMG_0975-400x500 Mr Consistency Aka Dada P

Throughout the many years I have been associated with the Indie music game and I have seen some talented artists drop music and then quit. Whether it was the lack of immediate response to the music, the lack of consistent funds coming in a result or whatever the reason, many whose art didn’t translate immediately into financial success thought it was a better move to secure a reliable day job and leave music to the “dreamers”. I’m so glad Dada P hasn’t taken that route. It’s a joy watching a hard-working ARTIST continue to create ART. Whether it’s “On Loud” “Kickin Flava” or the latest “Crown & Coke” the homie Dada P never makes us wait to long for something fresh and new that’s fire! Hopefully going forward many other artists realize consistency is the key to people respecting your art enough to pay for it! Salute to Dada P for being the embodiment of that! Check out the latest from him called “Crown & Coke” on Apple Music!

IG: itsyaguyDA

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