Known as the southern streets secret weapon, Big Flight has been putting work in for as many years as he’s been alive. Born and raised 40 miles south of Atlanta in Griffin, GA, the ambitious heavy-hitter knows how to create the perfect anthems for hustlers and hood stars, capitalizing off of his own lifestyle. These days, however, Big Flight is more interested in giving the neighborhood more purpose than pain and building a music empire in the process.
His ascent in the industry hasn’t come without a few hard knocks along the journey. Growing up, Big Flight as well as his siblings had an upbringing filled with stability and love although they resided in a community plagued by an endless cycle of crime, drugs and violence. His father and uncles were also entrenched in the streets, which led to the MC becoming a victim of his environment as well as his DNA. His family sent him to a military school in Augusta, GA to finish out high school with the optimism that he’d clean up his act but upon graduation, he returned home with the same mentality. It wasn’t until the tragic passing of his younger brother QUEZ that he got focused on his potential as a rapper.
The lyrical storyteller knows how to articulate his thoughts in a way that makes even his toughest bangers digestible. His impressive wordplay and confident delivery skills can be attributed to the impact that rappers like T.I. and Young Jeezy had on him as a kid, however his distinct talent puts him in a category all his own. Big Flight’s vocal presence and personality can be felt on his latest single, “Swap It Out,” which leans towards one singular message: get the money. The distinct spitter describes his body of work as “lit, party music,” yet it’s versatile and swagged out with bars that guarantee repeat listens.
If the past few years are any indication of Big Flight’s career in hip-hop, his future is as blindingly bright as the drip that adorn his grill, neck and ears. Follow him on IG at @1bigflight.
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