Brooklyn duo The Lonerz have finally released their debut EP titled “Rather Be A Loner.” Building a name for themselves over the past few years, including working with artists such as Fivio Foreign, Lou Got Cash, and The Kid Daytona, fans were eager for a project and The Loner Tribe has now delivered. Laced with 7 songs, “Rather Be A Loner” is a perfect introduction to their sound for those not familiar.
“Rather Be A Loner” derives from a correlation of elements. One is our sound.. it’s unique and a lane of its own. The second is the current stage of dating. One would say dating is the hardest its ever been and people would “rather be a loner.” More over, each song on the EP gives you a different feeling that can trigger the different stages and emotions one may go through when dating today. It’s all relatable… for everyone.”
Stream “Rather Be A Loner” below, and/or on your preferred DSP.
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