The acclaimed live music series Noochie’s Live From the Front Porch (LFTFP), created by rising artist Noochie, is set to launch its second season on Fox Soul. Announced on Friday, November 22, the show, which pays homage to music’s rich legacy while spotlighting its future, will premiere its highly anticipated new season on Thanksgiving. The series garnered widespread attention in 2024 with viral performances from stars like The Lox, Craig David, Anderson .Paak, and Cordae. Now partnered with Fox Soul, LFTFP will air 14 episodes in its second season, with potential for additional installments.
The season opener debuts Thursday, November 28, across platforms including LG Channel 403, Samsung TV Plus Channel 1104, Roku, YouTube TV, Vizio WatchFree Channel 347, Tubi, Amazon Fire TV, XUMO, and Pluto.
Noochie, whose real name is Antwon Vincent, began his “Front Porch Freestyles” in 2017, capturing raw, heartfelt performances using only his iPhone. Over time, these clips transformed into full-fledged productions featuring celebrated artists. With the help of his creative team, 8177, Noochie expanded the project from a personal expression into a platform amplifying culture, music, and storytelling.
Reflecting on his vision, Noochie explained, “At first, it was about being heard and finding my place. Now it’s about more than music—it’s about storytelling, connection, and celebrating the authentic Black experience. I wanted to give artists a personal space where the front porch becomes a stage for culture and talent. It’s not just a performance; it’s a moment to honor where we come from while amplifying our voices.”
Ryan Joy, LFTFP’s co-founder, added, “The Front Porch represents something real and relatable. Noochie, as an independent artist, has created a platform that showcases incredible talent and classic catalogs. This deserves to be shared with the world and resonates with fans seeking authentic, culturally rich experiences.”
Greg Gavin, another co-founder, echoed the sentiment, emphasizing the show’s commitment to uplifting Black culture. “Our mission is to ensure that our culture is celebrated without limitations,” Gavin shared.
For fans eager to catch up, past performances from Live From the Front Porch are available on YouTube. With its new platform and growing audience, the series promises to continue delivering compelling performances that celebrate the heart and soul of Black America. Check your local listings for air times.
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