Marty Gonzalez, the Founder of Fyre House Music, Wants All Artists Happy

August 22, 2022 0

hhs1987-marty-500x348 Marty Gonzalez, the Founder of Fyre House Music, Wants All Artists Happy

The roles of artists and managers are always different, yet unique. Artists are fueled by the love for their craft and the creativity that defines their existence. On the other hand, managers are mostly goal-oriented, committed to finding the best opportunities for their artists, and not to mention, business-driven. Marty Gonzalez says that without the right balance, there can be a disconnect between the two, especially when selfish interests become apparent. Regardless, an artist manager should be a loyal fan of their clients, a voice of reason, and their biggest advocate for greatness- and happiness.

Fyre House Music is a record label company that has also focused its operational endeavors on finding and managing new talents. Marty Gonzalez started this establishment after he realized that his management skills can be put to good use in the music industry. He has been putting talented people in a desirable position to change their lives for the better, and get them into positive environments that will stimulate them to work towards greatness. Through hard work and dedication, Marty Gonzalez has elevated the status of Fyre House Music to become one of the best record label entities. However, this has not distracted him from his intention of making his clients feel happy.

Marty Gonzalez admits that he interacts with clients to have high expectations about their career development. Most times, it is impossible to control what they want to achieve but it is very much possible to manage their expectations. He always strives to train his clients on how to achieve this without causing any sort of conflict. With every action, Marty Gonzalez sets precedents that are hard to change once they have been put in place. By setting actionable goals that are guided by a timeline, each person is able to accommodate each other while envisioning both short and long-term goals. But for this to make sense, Marty Gonzalez ensures that every win, whether big or small, is celebrated. This is one of the easiest ways of ensuring clients are happy.

Artists expect their managers to manage day-to-day operations without any sort of oversight. They are constantly thinking about the next step while representing them in front of industry professionals. Marty Gonzalez strives to look for new connections and opportunities for his clients. And while all this is being done, he ensures that artists are updated, an effective means of building a positive relationship with them. An artist will always be happy if they know that their manager is on the same wavelength as them, and is genuinely working hard to understand their ambitions.

Marty Gonzalez knows very well that his clients cannot be happy every time, even if they put in that extra effort. Even when this happens, it is imperative to be patient with them. It is proper to support each other through the ups and downs, and trust each other to do what is right.

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