Ezzy Babe gives us an inside look at his grieving process with the video release of his tribute to his brother titled, “Long Live My Brother”.
While other artists would use the death of a loved one to spew more hate, violence, death, and destruction to the world, Ezzy takes the mature route and reminisces about the times he had with his brother, his promise to make it for his brother, and how the streets were the wrong path that others should not take.
The Maryland born/St. Louis raised rapper-turned-singer treats this amazing Sam Cooke sampled track like musical therapy. It’s a welcome sight to see a young black brother using music as an outlet of change rather than self-destruction.
I’m not gonna get on my soapbox or anything but I can’t stress enough how good this song truly is and the message it gives to those that listen.
Ezzy made a great tribute to his brother and if you like music that can resonate with your soul and tug on your heartstrings then this track is something you should check out, at the very least go listen and show this young king his brother’s tribute isn’t in vain.
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