Jay Da One just announced he is releasing a new album Feb 2nd and fans are super excited. With the recent release of his hanging mic video for his song Wonder, Fans can not wait to see what he will release next. Wonder is a poetic piece that is really thought provoking as Jay Da One speaks about his own personal journey and struggles. Fans can’t wait to hear the types of topics that he is going to address in this upcoming album. If you haven’t already heard about him, Jay Da One is a rapper born in Virginia Beach, Va but raised in Chesapeake.
He started off freestyle rapping in cars in 2015 until he found himself in the hands of Morningstar Music Group’s Recording studio five years later. He then realized after making his first song “New Edition”, this was the life meant for him. Jay Da One has worked with many 757 artists such as Une3kk, YRS Boogz, Young Phonzy, N3rG, Naomi Grace,and Jay The Artist. As of October 2022, he released two singles the first being , “Wonder” which was his most inspiring song that left crowds breathless and his second single “Without You” featuring Naomi Grace. Both songs are now streaming on Spotify. Jay Da One plans to release his upcoming album “Revolutionary Hearts” in February 2023 featuring a mix of his latest unreleased songs such as Sway & Revolutionary Hearts featuring Jay The Artist. The Urban$ound team was excited to get to sit down with Jay Da one to talk to him more about Revolutionary Hearts :The Poets Dream.
What inspired the title Revolutionary Hearts: The Poets dream?
“It’s funny you should ask, the album title was inspired by various things. Revolutionary Hearts was originally supposed to be the song title for the song, Revolution on this album. Jay The Artist added Hearts to Revolutionary Hearts, then i thought hmm maybe that should be the title instead to define the entirety of the album. Revolutionary Hearts: A Poet’s Dream was inspired by having a revolutionary mindset towards the music being made. and this album shows the heart we put into our craft once you listen. It’s not the normal mainstream music, it’s a bunch of individuals with a dream that will stop at nothing to change this world of music. The Poet’s Dream was coined by TCvsChanze herself which helped me find more meaning to the title. Rap is poetry to me so it should be treated as so. I never liked to call myself a rapper really but rather a poet hence a Poets dream.”
What was one of the best moments you had working on Revolutionary Hearts : The Poets dream?
“The best moment I had making this album was the session at Morningstar Music Group when Rhythms & Rhymes was being made. My brother Chase Mercata was doing a live photoshoot of me in the booth while my brothers, N3RG, Jah Bright, and his son Ethan where singing along to Rhythms & Rhymes. I felt an overwhelming feeling of happiness like I finally found where I belong in my life.”
What makes this album different from your previous projects?
“Revolutionary Hearts: A Poet’s Dream has been quite different from my past releases due to the fact, I have been constantly working on trying different flows and styles. I’ve spent more time learning how to navigate through different sounds, beats, and how I can manipulate my voice to give me the results I want in a song.”
What was your favorite track to record on Revolutionary Hearts :The Poets dream ?
“Now I love Rhythms & Rhymes but my favorite track on the album is Sway. The song is almost like a prayer to the universe to show I’ve been working tirelessly on my dream of being a famous musician and here are the depths of my mind to help the universe realize that I’m ready for this kind of life.”
What inspired your track rhythms and rhymes ?
“The song Rhythms & Rhymes was inspired by an ending relationship actually and what really gave me the drive to pursue my dream in music. I realized at the time that my dream was left with a choice. To stay with the woman I loved, meaning it would hold me back from my lifelong dream or to leave and follow my dream. I chose the music.”
What goes into writing your songs ? What is your writing process like?
“Everyone knows the first video game invented was pong right? Well imagine that except add about fifty more pong balls to the mix and you have my writing process. In a few bars I will have one flow then bam I hit you with an off the wall flow that somehow still fits the song itself. I think every time I write a song I at least have 40 different flows when writing but im the studio, all those flows Kind of find their way in different parts of the song thus making my kind of music lol.”
What is something fans should take away while listening to Revolutionary Hearts :The Poets dream ?
“When fans listen to Revolutionary Hearts: A Poets Dream, I want them take away that my songs are my mind, body, and spirit. I want my fans to realize that words have more power than we think they do. More than anything, I want them to feel inspired to follow their passion, to go against the people that doubt them, and be fearless for this life is so short, so do what makes you feel complete and have self love”
What are 5 words you would use to describe Revolutionary Hearts :The Poets dream ?
“Five words, what would the five words be for this album? Hmm I’d say cryptic, inspiring, emotional, rebellious, and spiritual.”
Jay Da One gave the team the honor of getting to preview his track “rhythms and rhymes” and this was the overall opinion of it. The melody of the song had a zenful tone and melodic sound. The song was about the faults , flaws, and personal growth of relationships. Jay Da One uses a lot of different metaphors for love and he painted a metaphorical picture of how lonely the road
can be sometimes. He had an amazing hook that really will draw in the listener. If fans love Jay the one song “Wonder” then they will definitely love this song as well.
Revolutionary Hearts: The Poets Dream will be live on Spotify Feb 2nd to listen to it follow Jay Da One
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