President Obama Proves He Is The GOAT With This Uptown Funkish State Of The Union Ad (Photo)

January 4, 2016 0

CX6IGAFUwAACsCR-1-500x250 President Obama Proves He Is The GOAT With This Uptown Funkish State Of The Union Ad (Photo)

Think about this for a minute. This will be the last year we have a black president! Before that last statement begins to sadden you, just know that President Obama is leaving the nation’s capitol in grand fashion. On January 12th, President Obama will be addressing the nation with the “State of The Union” one last time and his advertisement is truly classic.

Looking like he is ready to get the dirt off his shoulder, President Obama has delivered this stylish new ad for his January 12th speech. Checkout the ad below and make sure your tune in to hear President Obama’s “State of The Union” on January 12th 2016.

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