Jackson, Mississippi Mayor Tony Yarber Gives T.I. The Key To The City!

September 25, 2014 0

T2 Jackson, Mississippi Mayor Tony Yarber Gives T.I. The Key To The City!

T.I. recently took a trip down to Jackson, Mississippi to mentor and speak at a few of the areas educational institutions. After acknowledging his past misfortunes and irresponsible decisions, the Grand Hu$tle front-man went on to state “to be different, you must do things different”.

During his latest philanthropic journey, the ATL-based rapper turned entrepreneur was awarded The Key to The City by Mayor Tony Yarber. Check out a few photos of the honorary moment compliments of EA above and below!

T3 Jackson, Mississippi Mayor Tony Yarber Gives T.I. The Key To The City!


(Photo Credit: Erica Johnson)

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