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Mo’ Money Mo’ Problems: Ma$e Owes Over $10K In Taxes!

September 28, 2015 0

na-500x281 Mo' Money Mo' Problems: Ma$e Owes Over $10K In Taxes!

Ma$e was given a federal tax lien on September 3, the former Bad Boy is accused of failing to pay $12,036.51 worth of taxes in 201o. The IRS filed the case in Georgia where Ma$e resides, and is threatening to seize his property if he does not pay up. In recent court cases, Ma$e has lost a lawsuit over the art for his single Why Can’t We last December and owes $7,500 to the model who appears on the cover. He’s also filed for divorce from his wife in April of 2014 and must pay her $6,000 per month in alimony.

Looks like Ma$e may have to try to drop a new album soon the way the courts have been treating him.

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