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Larry Sanders Talks Mental Health Awareness, The NBA, Why People Need To Stop Sleeping on the WNBA, Music, Fashion & More (Video)

June 29, 2018 0

The year 2018 has been great so far and today We have a new episode for My segment entitled “Just Kickin’ It”. In this segment, Terrell Thomas sits down with some of today’s biggest athletes and entertainers to get some insight on their favorite sneakers, music, and more.


For episode 18 of “Just Kickin’ It”, I caught up with former NBA star Larry Sanders.


On June 24th, the Los Angeles Sparks hosted the inaugural Mental Health Awareness Day. During the event, I sat down with former NBA star Larry Sanders to speak on the importance of Mental Health awareness and more. In 2015, Larry Sanders walked away from a multi-million dollar NBA career to face his issues with depression and anxiety. Larry Sanders spoke on how he is spreading the message of mental health awareness and why more athletes are speaking up on the matter.


Larry Sanders also spoke on his NBA career, his recent comeback into the NBA and if he will look to join a NBA team in the future. Larry Sanders spoke on how he has found a new love in music and fashion, why people shouldn’t be discouraged to face their individual mental health issues and more.


Before concluding our interview, Larry Sanders spoke on the growth of the WNBA, why more people need to pay attention and support the WNBA, the success of the Los Angeles Sparks and how people can receive help with mental health awareness in their local communities.


Episode 18 of “Just Kickin It” was conducted and produced by Terrell Thomas. Episode 18 of”Just Kickin’ It” was shot by Terrell Thomas.


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