The clue can be found in the new release “At Sixes And Sevens”.
Earlier this month, Tiana Major9 revealed her new project At Sixes And Sevens, which contains nine new tracks from the British singer, including “Collide,” her collaboration with EARTHGANG that made it onto the Queen & Slim soundtrack. This week, she released a new look for the featured project “Think About You (Notion Mix),” a slightly altered version of a single Major9 released in April. The cut produced by WAVSDNTDIE and Benny Cassette is a beautiful dancehall vibe that sees Major9 singing his heart out to a certain love interest:
“I need more hours in the day, I always seem to run out of time, when I think about you, I could be doing other things/
But you’re all that’s on my mind, when I’m not around you, and this would sound so cute, sound so sweet/
If you felt the same way ‘bout me, but this love is unrequited, and I’ve tried to fight it, you’re not a want, you’re a need…/”
The accompanying black and white clip is courtesy of Rik Burnell and makes things simple with Tiana Major9 performing the cut in her element, whether in a warehouse, in front of a sound system, or somewhere on the streets of London. Her whining is as contagious as the music he dances to.
At Sixes And Sevens follows last year’s Rehearsal @ NINE EP, which had six tracks, as well as earlier singles like the jazzy track “Merry Go,” a testament to her own name, revealing her love for the major ninth chord. Speaking to Billboard, Tiana Major9 spoke about how it feels to have acquired her contract with Motown Records, the outlet where At Sixes And Sevens was released:
“It can be a bit scary because I went from being independent to signed [to a major label]. I’m still adjusting. It feels great.”
Hit play on “Think About You (Notion Mix),” as well as the previously mentioned At Sixes And Sevens project, below.
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