Musician Mo Baig Reflects on K-Pop Wave: “Music is a Universal Language”

December 14, 2021 0

b453dbc8-f9d3-4dd6-a15a-fdc1b8b0a8ee-406x500 Musician Mo Baig Reflects on K-Pop Wave: “Music is a Universal Language”


Not every mainstream artist quite understands the appeal of Korean pop music. They have no idea how a bunch of idols who don’t even speak the “universal language” of English can take over the world by storm. But for musician Mo Baig, the appeal is crystal clear. In fact, he thinks those who don’t get it are the ones misled, though they might make it out as if the KPOP aficionados are the ones consuming something they don’t understand.


“What others fail to understand is that English is not really the universal language,” says Mo. “Music is.”


Mo believes language is no longer a huge barrier to sending a message that resonates with the rest of the world. After all, technology now allows us to translate lyrics easily and in real time.


Now, while Mo Baig does an entirely different kind of music than Korean Pop, he takes inspiration from his foreign contemporaries in crafting uplifting messages of hope and self-love.


As an icon for Generation Z — which is often referred to by older generations as “the lost generation” —  Mo hopes to inspire people his age to take their rightful place in culture and history.


“I don’t think people in my generation are actually lost,” says Mo. “It’s just that we have such a different view on success. We don’t chase the same things our parents or grandparents chased, so they think we’re lost, but we’re exactly where we’re supposed to be.”


Through writing more songs that encourage others to define success and happiness in their own terms, Mo hopes to be the voice of support that he felt he largely lacked growing up. Mo believes way too many children are taught what they should think, and not how to think critically for themselves. This is one barrier he wants to break through lyricism and musicality.


So, there might not be a lot of people that would put KPOP and Mo Baig on the same playlists, but nevertheless, Mo hopes to complement the general theme of Korean Pop music, which encompasses self-acceptance and overcoming geographical barriers to link like hearted individuals across the globe.


To follow the latest developments in Mo Baig’s music, connect with him on social media.

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