Soul Speak: The Musical Style of Gian Pietro Beltrando

December 14, 2021 0

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Writer, poet, and philosopher Kahlil Gibran is often quoted as saying:

“Music is the language of the spirit.”

For 25 year-old Gian Pietro Beltrando, his music is the language of three inspiring souls — his unique experiences as a modern Italian touring musician, the fluid and dynamic style of contemporary music, and the romance and musical history of his Italian hometown.

As a young man in the rustic comune Savigliano, Piedmont; Gian knew he was not cut-out for the routine of your usual nine-to-five. As soon as he was able, he traveled to nearby Piasco — a small town with lush vineyards, beautiful mountain vistas, and a rich musical history.

Here, Gian lived the lifestyle his soul yearned for, traveling and working himself as a full-time entrepreneur while using his spare time to perform and record around Northern Italy. Gian relates how he always travels with a select set of instruments and his laptop, the latter used both for business as well as for recording and editing.

While these travels further fueled his style as he journeyed on, Gian credits the resurgence of Italian pop and pop-rock as well as the eclectic styles of modern music as some of his initial inspirations. To make it unique, however, Gian also blends these forms with his appreciation of classical Italian styles – making a unique tone that Gian relates to modern orchestra.

Aside from using different eras of Italian music as inspiration, Gian admits that his hometown, especially the area of Piedmont that he tours, makes it particularly easy to find artistic and romantic inspiration. To anyone familiar with the area; with its picturesque scenes and the one-of-a-kind Museo dell’Arpa Victor Salvi harp museum, this is instantly understandable.

Having gained a following in Piedmont, Gian sets his sights to teach his language to a much wider audience: the world.

Gian Pietro Beltrando soon aims to release his first full album online through major streaming sites. With this, he hopes to share at least a little part of his three inspirations to all those who will listen, especially the appreciation of Italian musical traditions from classical to contemporary.

For more info, you can Gian Pietro Beltrando on Facebook or his Instagram at @g_b__7.

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