Turk N16 on Outgrowing One’s Rap Roots

December 14, 2021 0

05dc8d8d-dc2f-4e22-9bfc-896859e848ad-1-400x500 Turk N16 on Outgrowing One’s Rap Roots

Every artist carries with them the sum of all the influences that shaped and molded them. It could be the artists they’ve loved the most while growing up, the ones who made them want to create art, or even people in their surroundings who have affected their lives in some ways.

These influences might show in the art, either subtly or in an obvious manner. However, if the artist is to grow, they have to part ways with those who came before them and start creating art that’s authentic to them and their worldview.

For Turk N16 , a young rap star from London, the point of separation was bittersweet but still welcome. Having grown up listening to artists from his native UK as well as Turkey , his country of origin, Turk N16 has a wide palette of influences to choose to incorporate into his own art. Still, the music he listened to started influencing his life well before he decided to become an artist in his own right. At the point he launched his career, however, everything clicked into place, and he saw how he could pay tribute to those who came before him through his music.

It was an important moment in his music when he decided to say goodbye to his heroes and lean into all the things that make Turk N16 a uniquely fresh face on the international rap scene. With keen insights derived from the way of living many young people can share or aspire to have, Turk N16 has managed to consistently impress both audiences and critics with his mature approach to his artistry and the sheer amount of work and thoughtfulness that go into his songs.

So when he’s asked how he feels about moving on from his rap roots and all the things that have built him into the musician he is today, there’s nothing he can say except that it feels right. With solid accomplishments behind him and a stellar international career waiting to happen for him, there’s no doubt that stepping out from the shadows of his predecessors was a good move for Turk N16. Now, all he has to do is soar and create a shadow for other rappers to grow beneath.

Follow Turk N16 on his Instagram account.

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